SNI (Indonesian National Standard)

SNI is a standard that applies nationally in Indonesia, this standard is set by the government to be applied to various products made by the Indonesian people, both from individuals and a company. This certification is either voluntary or mandatory depending on the product to be certified. The existence of SNI certification will help consumers be free from products that are harmful to life safety, health, or the environment. SNI also allows consumers to enjoy products that are guaranteed quality and guaranteed originality.

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ISO 13845

ISO 13845 is a management system that provides a framework for medical device manufacturers to develop and produce medical device products that are guaranteed quality and safe to use. the benefits of implementing ISO 13845 certification are:

  1. Reduce the risk of product release
  2. Improve patient safety of dispensed medical devices.
  3. Improve management and production efficiency of the products released.
  4. Make the organization attractive to potential customers, partners and investors.
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ISO TS 16949 (Automotive Quality management system)

ISO TS 16949 is a quality management system standard that specifies requirements for the design, production, development and assembly of automotive-related products. This standard is a world standard developed by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF), companies that implement this management system have generally met the requirements of common and consistent standards in the automotive industry sector. The following benefits of implementing this management system are:

  1. Putting quality in the production process
  2. Ensure that production management is well controlled and correct.
  3. Reduce risks and improve management of opportunities

Improved product and service quality.

  1. Menempatkan kualitas dalam proses produksinya
  2. Menjamin pengelolaan produksi terkontrol dengan baik dan benar
  3. Mengurangi risiko dan meningkatkan manajemen peluang terhadap pengelolaannya
  4. Kualitas produk dan layanan meningkat.
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CE Marking

CE Marking is a standardized mark that indicates that a product and its packaging comply with established European requirements or laws.

CE Marking is considered a standard to ensure consumer safety in the European Union, so businesses that want to expand their market to Europe must comply with this standard scheme.

The benefits of implementing CE Marking are:

  1. Enhance product reputation and credibility
  2. As a means of promotion related to safe products in the community
  3. Ensure products meet and comply with European health and safety requirements, rules and standards.

Facilitate market expansion in the European neighborhood.

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Ecolabeled Product Standard

Ecolabel product standards are standards for product certification schemes for both goods and services that show the products produced are responsible and pay attention to the rules of environmental sustainability. The standard is divided into 3 types consisting of:

  1. ISO 14024-based type 1 ecolabel
  2. ISO 14021-based type 2 ecolabel
  3. ISO 14025-based type 3 ecolabel
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FSC Standard (Forest Stewardship Council)

The FSC Standard is a standard or certification that ensures the forest product management chain after the forest products (Timber and Non-Timber) are transported out of the forest.

This certification covers a wide range of situations and entities to ensure a business demonstrates commitment to its products.

Benefits of implementing the FSC standard:

  1. Has the opportunity to reach new markets that are sensitive to forest use.
  2. Businesses minimize damage to forest use.
  3. Facilitate market expansion both nationally and internationally.

The interests of forest workers and local communities have begun to be protected.

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