Quality Management System – ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard established for quality management systems. This standard was created in order to help a company or institution improve efficiency and performance by managing systematic and organized business processes. This standard ensures that the products or services produced by a company or institution meet the established quality standards.

ISO 9001 also promotes a risk-based approach, which assists an enterprise or organization in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with business processes.

ISO 9001 can be applied to companies or institutions from micro to macro scale and in various service sectors and industries. The benefits of implementing ISO 9001 are to assist the company or institution in increasing customer satisfaction, providing a quality system for product certification (SNI products and product standards required by other countries), increasing efficiency and productivity, increasing trust, strengthening cooperation, improving risk management, maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements, and increasing focus on continuous improvement.

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Environmental Management System – ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015 is an international standard established to meet the requirements of an environmental management system. This standard was created in order to improve environmental performance through more efficient use of resources. The ISO 14001 standard also helps companies or institutions identify, manage and control environmental problems as a whole.

ISO 14001 can be applied in various sectors, both micro and macro, profit or non-profit that have attention to environmental management. The benefits in implementing ISO 14001 are as a form of compliance with the requirements of existing or future environmental laws, improving environmental performance, reducing environmental risks, increasing business opportunities through environmental issues, and increasing leadership and employee involvement.

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Laboratory Management System – ISO 17025:2017

Laboratory Management (ISO / IEC 17025) is an international standard that provides general requirements for technical competence, accuracy of test and calibration results, and quality system management.
The benefits of implementing this standard:
  1. Improving the quality of testing and calibration
  2. Increase trust and image of the institution or company
  3. Reduce risks associated with testing, people or equipment that do not meet requirements
  4. Improve efficiency and productivity
  5. Strengthen risk management
  6. Assist in regulatory compliance
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Education Organization Management System – ISO 21001:2018

ISO 21000:2018 Education Organization Management System of ISO (SMOP) is an international standard establish for managing educational organizations. This management system aims to enable educational organizations can provide the best service to learner and other beneficiaries (student guardians, graduate recipients, etc).This  This management system is an education organization management tools for implementing a systematic service quality approach and  structured concepts according to standard requirements. Its also aims to demonstrate the ability of educational organizations to provide consistent education to learners in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. 

ISO 21001:2018 standard is specifically applied to educational institutions, from early chilhood education (PAUD), primary, secondary (SD, SMP, SMA) to highest education level (study program, Faculty, Vacational School, Post graduate or University Scope).
We provides SOPs for implementing of ISO 21001:2018 for middle and high schools level (SMP & SMA), incudes SOPs Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) also highest eduction level . If you are interested to buy please contact of our number WA
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Food Safety Management System – ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000:2018 is an international standard established to manage food safety risks in the entire food supply chain, from production to consumption. ISO 22000:2018 focuses on HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principles to identify, evaluate and control food safety risks.

ISO 22000:2018 can be applied in micro or macro institutions or companies, specifically focusing on the food sector.

The benefit of applying this standard is to improve all performance related to food safety such as the ability to consistently provide food products or services that meet standard requirements and improve the ability to control the food safety risk management process.

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Information Security Management System – ISO 27001:2022

ISO 27001: 2022 is an international standard established to manage information security risks in a company or institution. ISO 27001:2022 includes requirements for an information security management system, namely, management of information security risks, requirements for managing information security in a company or institution, development of information security policies, implementation of preventive and remedial measures to address information security threats, and periodic information security assessments to ensure compliance with the standard.

The benefits of implementing this standard are to improve information security, improve compliance with information security requirements, improve operational efficiency and effectiveness, and increase customer confidence in the services or products produced by a company or institution.

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Supply Chain Management System – ISO 28000:2009

ISO 28000:2007 is an international standard established for security management systems, including important aspects for supply chain security assurance.

ISO 28000:2007 can be applied in any type of company or institution, starting from micro to macro scale, in manufacturing, service, storage, and transportation at all stages of production or supply chain that wants to establish security.

The benefits of implementing this standard are to increase security in the supply chain such as the risk of theft, sabotage, and acts of terrorism, and increase efficiency and compliance with regulations and laws.

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Anti-Bribery Management System – ISO 37001:2016

ISO 37001:2016 is an international standard that sets out requirements with guidance on establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving anti-bribery management systems.

ISO 37001:2016 can be applied in any type of company or institution, from micro to macro scale, including state-owned enterprises, large organizations, SMEs, and non-governmental organizations.

The benefits of implementing this standard are reducing legal risks related to bribery, improving compliance with regulations or laws related to bribery, and eliminating business processes that are vulnerable to bribery.

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Occupational Safety Management System – ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001: 2018 is an international standard established in order to manage work safety risks in a company or institution. By applying this standard, companies or institutions can improve and maintain employee safety, increase efficiency and productivity, and prevent unexpected company or institution expenses due to accidents in the work environment.

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Energy Management System – ISO 50001:2018

Energy Management System (ISO 5001:2018) is an international standard set for companies or institutions to establish, maintain, and develop an energy management system. This standard helps in improving energy efficiency, reducing energy costs, and reducing the environmental impact of the company or institution. The standard focuses on the process of identifying and reducing energy waste in various activities of the company or institution.

Manfaat dari penerapan standar ini yaitu, peningkatan efisiensi energi, pengurangan biaya energy, dan pengurangan dampak lingkungan perusahaan atau lembaga.

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