Quantum - Layanan ISO 21000

Education Organization Management System – ISO 21001:2018

ISO 21000:2018 Education Organization Management System of ISO (SMOP) is an international standard establish for managing educational organizations. This management system aims to enable educational organizations can provide the best service to learner and other beneficiaries (student guardians, graduate recipients, etc).This  This management system is an education organization management tools for implementing a systematic service quality approach and  structured concepts according to standard requirements. Its also aims to demonstrate the ability of educational organizations to provide consistent education to learners in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. 

ISO 21001:2018 standard is specifically applied to educational institutions, from early chilhood education (PAUD), primary, secondary (SD, SMP, SMA) to highest education level (study program, Faculty, Vacational School, Post graduate or University Scope).
We provides SOPs for implementing of ISO 21001:2018 for middle and high schools level (SMP & SMA), incudes SOPs Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) also highest eduction level . If you are interested to buy please contact of our number WA
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