Quantum - Layanan ISO TS

ISO TS 16949 (Automotive Quality management system)

ISO TS 16949 is a quality management system standard that specifies requirements for the design, production, development and assembly of automotive-related products. This standard is a world standard developed by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF), companies that implement this management system have generally met the requirements of common and consistent standards in the automotive industry sector. The following benefits of implementing this management system are:

  1. Putting quality in the production process
  2. Ensure that production management is well controlled and correct.
  3. Reduce risks and improve management of opportunities

Improved product and service quality.

  1. Menempatkan kualitas dalam proses produksinya
  2. Menjamin pengelolaan produksi terkontrol dengan baik dan benar
  3. Mengurangi risiko dan meningkatkan manajemen peluang terhadap pengelolaannya
  4. Kualitas produk dan layanan meningkat.
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